Interior design for the bedroom can help transform a private space like the bedroom into a soothing sanctuary in which to unwind and recharge. Sometimes because bedrooms are private spaces away from the view of visitors they are the last rooms in the home to...
Sometimes it’s a good idea to refresh the guest room in advance of the holiday season. Too often the guest room becomes a repository of clutter and is a sort of afterthought in an otherwise well functioning home. Before life becomes too hectic to do anything...
Interior design applies to small homes as well as large ones. Small homes can be as beautiful as larger ones. The fact remains, however, that they are small. Today’s lifestyles are quite different from those of bygone years. For one thing, we have a lot more...
We live in a Golden Age of inspiration through images displayed on social media, television, movies and printed magazines. Some clients find that they are overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information, as well as the strong conflicting opinions about what is trending...
Do you dare? Or is it just the thing for you? Of the many colour choices available to us in interior design, yellow can be one of the best and one of the trickiest. Yellow can be one of our best friends, or it can come back to bite us if we are not a little careful...