In our interior design projects and paint colour consultations we are often asked to produce room designs which do not have much colour. How to create a strong design impact without using strong colour? The desired finished effect desired still needs to be one...
Interior design using all white in the room designs is a look that many clients are drawn to. Perhaps there is a sense of serenity, calm, and an escape from the hectic portions of our lives. The reality couldn’t be further from that idea. We’ve all see rooms...
Classic, old school panelling and trimwork is a thing of beauty and it is such a shame that so much of it has been lost. Luckily, the folk who covered the hardwood flooring with linoleum and wall to wall carpet preserved the hardwood floors they were tired of looking...
Interior design applies to small homes as well as large ones. Small homes can be as beautiful as larger ones. The fact remains, however, that they are small. Today’s lifestyles are quite different from those of bygone years. For one thing, we have a lot more...
We live in a Golden Age of inspiration through images displayed on social media, television, movies and printed magazines. Some clients find that they are overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information, as well as the strong conflicting opinions about what is trending...