Interior design applies to small homes as well as large ones. Small homes can be as beautiful as larger ones. The fact remains, however, that they are small. Today’s lifestyles are quite different from those of bygone years. For one thing, we have a lot more...
Often we have residential interior design clients who prefer a neutral colour palette. A neutral palette in a room design can be beautiful, but many times it is simply too bland. As well, the trend toward neutral sometimes goes on too long and the viewer simply tires...
Interior Design includes house plants as well as the other furnishings in the home. Healthy house plants add an air of peace and serenity to any room design. Since they are living things, they do require specific care and they don’t all need the same...
We live in a Golden Age of inspiration through images displayed on social media, television, movies and printed magazines. Some clients find that they are overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information, as well as the strong conflicting opinions about what is trending...
Many modern homes have moldings that are more of an afterthought than a feature of the interior design of the home. This is a shame as beautiful moldings can add a great deal of presence to the overall feel of a home. In Victorian times, mechanization had begun and...
Interior design frequently leaves us with ceilings that are bland and boring, simply painted white and kept unadorned to blend in or disappear. What a shame to leave so much uncluttered real estate unadorned. It is most often assumed that the safe choice is a white...