Do you dare? Or is it just the thing for you? Of the many colour choices available to us in interior design, yellow can be one of the best and one of the trickiest. Yellow can be one of our best friends, or it can come back to bite us if we are not a little careful...
Interior design is as appropriate for smaller homes as it is for larger ones. Many of our clients live in smaller homes or condos in order to be close to city amenities, jobs, or family members. It should not be assumed that just because your home is small, that your...
Window treatments such as draperies, shutters, and blinds are as important a part of your home decor as the furnishings are. Draperies are a significant part of many room designs. They not only enhance the window, but many window treatments create privacy and control...
We all love a sunny day. A home with lots of large windows that bring the sunshine in is a very pleasant place to live. Interior furnishings, though, are soon damaged by the suns rays. It is always a good idea to cut down on incoming solar radiation in order to...
Some people enjoy formal living and some do not. Interior design is for the less formal home as well as the formal. Many home styles are a transitional balance between the two extremes. Some of the most beautiful interiors we have seen in high end magazines have been...